Monday, 10 June 2013

What a wonderful week we had in Lubeck!  We were welcomed warmly by our hosts, off the bus from Berlin.  The next day we attended a mayoral reception in the City Hall, greeted by Senator Annette Borns, to whom we presented a small gift from the Lord Mayor of Adelaide.  We toasted our visit with German wine and sampled marzipan.
The EDs toast the exchange.

Sampling the wine and marzipan in the elegant City Hall.

A walking tour of the city followed, culminating in a  boat trip around the old town.
Listening intently!

Our President and friends

The entrance to Lubeck

The following day we travelled by train to Schwerin - a beautiful city featuring lakes, and a castle on one.
Enjoying the delights of Schwerin!
Schwerin lake

Always attentive and learning! This time in Schwerin.

Enjoying lunch in the sun

 A chocolate drink?
 On Thursday evening the Lubeck club hosted us at a club function at which we were able to present our Item and offer an invitation to visit Adelaide, by presenting boomerangs to our hosts - the boomerang must return!
Celebrating with hosts

Presenting our Item

Presenting boomerangs

The Australian flag presented to Lubeck club - ED to ED

Pat with her host Ursula

Our enthusiastic audience

Presenting our Item


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